Also read:
Steps involved in chartering a club
How to conduct a demo meeting?
Whom to invite? This is the first question that will come to your mind. You can consider inviting the following people for your toastmasters club chartering ceremony meeting.
- Management Representatives from your corporate (for a corporate club)
- Toastmasters Representatives
- District Governor
- Division Governor(s)
- Area Governor(s)
- Club officers from other clubs in your Area/Division
- Club mentors and sponsors
Sample Charter Meeting Agenda
- Opening of the meeting by & Introduction of MC by Sergeant At Arms - 2 minutes (SAA just reads the vision/mission and describes the Codes of Conduct)
- Setting the context of the chartering meeting by the MC - 2 minutes
- Speeches by Dignitaries from Toastmasters International (2 minutes x two dignitaries) - 4 minutes
- Speeches by Dignitaries from the Corporate (for a corporate club) - (2 minutes x two dignitaries) - 4 minutes
- Installation of club officers by Area or Division Governor - 10 minutes
- Club President delivers the acceptance speech (3 minutes)
- Acceptance speech typically has the President's plan for the club, at a high level for the next 6 months. You can look at the Sample Presidential Acceptance Speech
- Recognizes the Mentors/Sponsors of the club
- President introduces Toastmaster of the Day (1 minute)
- Toastmaster of the Day runs through the meeting using the script (45 mins)
- Have just 1 or 2 prepared speeches
- Have 4 or 5 table topics
- Toastmaster of the Day hands over the meeting to President (0 minutes)
- President adjourns the meeting (2 mins)
Download meeting role player templates from Successful Clubs Toolkit
- Area/Division Governor can present Toastmasters Pins to the club officers
- President can give a memento to toastmasters representatives and to the people who helped in chartering the club
- If you have more time for the meeting, you can distribute the charter certificates to the charter member during the meeting. President can invite a dignitary to the stage to handover the charter certificates/manuals to new members. If there is no time, you can hand them over to members offline.
- Take a picture with all the charter members and charter club officers