Saturday, November 24, 2007

Competent Communicator (CC) Project Manual Speeches

Here is my compilation of Toastmasters Competent Communicator (CC) Project Manual Speeches. It has the all the 10 CC project manual speeches that I deliver at my club.

Competent Communicator Project 1 - My College Life   (Ice Breaker)

Competent Communicator Project 2 - Go Veg  (Organize your Speech)

Competent Communicator Project 3 - Mitra - My little one (Get to the Point)

Competent Communicator Project 4 - Good to Great (How to Say it)

Competent Communicator Project 5 - How to start/sustain conversations with strangers?  (Your body Speaks)

Competent Communicator Project 6 - How to get the best rating in performance reviews? (Vocal Variety)

Competent Communicator Project 7 - Offshoring - not just a quick fix (Research your Topic)

Competent Communicator Project 8 - Got an idea? Patent it !  (Visual Aids)

Competent Communicator Project 9 - Habits come in series (Persuade with Power)

Competent Communicator Project 10 - Faster Goal Achievement (Inspire your Audience)


  1. I have read your P2 speech, It was nicely written and inspiring to go for VEG. Can i use this P2 topic for my project.
