Wednesday, March 12, 2014

5Ps of a successful contest - Contest Chairman Checklist


  1. Arranging and coordinating with various role players - Chief Judge, Contest Master, Judges, Tally Counters, Timers, SAA, Contestants
  2. Briefing all of the role players
  3. Contact information for all role players (email & phone nos)
  4. Contacting all the role players before the day of the contest and letting them know about the exact timings


  1. Ballot Sheets / Judges Eligibility Criteria / Contestants Originality & Eligibility Forms / Contestants Biography / Timer Sheets / Tally Counter Forms / Notification of Winners forms
  2. Lectern
  3. Mike
  4. Timing Devices / Timing Cards
  5. Trophies
  6. Sign boards / Quiet Please boards
  7. Certificates
  8. Camera
  9. Snacks


  1. Contest Venue - Quiet Area 
  2. 1 or 2 rooms for Contestants Holding Area (Table Topics & Evaluation Contests), Briefing of Role Players, Briefing of Judges
  3. Snacks Area
  4. Reserved Seats for Contestants (front rows in the contest venue)
  5. Taking care of security procedure for members, guests and role players to enter the contest venue (applicable for corporate venues that require security clearance)


  1. Detailed execution plan capturing (what, when, who & the props needed)
  2. On-time contest start and contest end


  1. Publish dates in advance 
  2. Promote contests within your club and outside your club - publicity for contests during regular meetings, sending an article / event announcement to newspapers, posting flyers in Facebook pages, shooting emails to various groups, sticking flyers in corporate notice boards, in-person marketing and promotion during various events, sending articles related to contests to corporate newsletters, invite press and media etc.,
  3. Invite Area/Division/District officials & mentors/sponsors of the club
  4. Invite heads of various functions in corporate (for corporate clubs)