- Arranging and coordinating with various role players - Chief Judge, Contest Master, Judges, Tally Counters, Timers, SAA, Contestants
- Briefing all of the role players
- Contact information for all role players (email & phone nos)
- Contacting all the role players before the day of the contest and letting them know about the exact timings
- Ballot Sheets / Judges Eligibility Criteria / Contestants Originality & Eligibility Forms / Contestants Biography / Timer Sheets / Tally Counter Forms / Notification of Winners forms
- Lectern
- Mike
- Timing Devices / Timing Cards
- Trophies
- Sign boards / Quiet Please boards
- Certificates
- Camera
- Snacks
- Contest Venue - Quiet Area
- 1 or 2 rooms for Contestants Holding Area (Table Topics & Evaluation Contests), Briefing of Role Players, Briefing of Judges
- Snacks Area
- Reserved Seats for Contestants (front rows in the contest venue)
- Taking care of security procedure for members, guests and role players to enter the contest venue (applicable for corporate venues that require security clearance)
- Detailed execution plan capturing (what, when, who & the props needed)
- On-time contest start and contest end
- Publish dates in advance
- Promote contests within your club and outside your club - publicity for contests during regular meetings, sending an article / event announcement to newspapers, posting flyers in Facebook pages, shooting emails to various groups, sticking flyers in corporate notice boards, in-person marketing and promotion during various events, sending articles related to contests to corporate newsletters, invite press and media etc.,
- Invite Area/Division/District officials & mentors/sponsors of the club
- Invite heads of various functions in corporate (for corporate clubs)