Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Toastmaster of the Day Script - Chennai Toastmasters Club - 28th July 2013

Toastmaster of the Day Worksheet

DATE: 28th July 2013                   Word of the Day: gregarious
Theme: Discover the leader in you
1.      Introduce theme of the day and word of the day. Encourage the speakers to use them during the meeting. Ask the audience to applaud when the Theme of the day and word of the day is used by the speakers.

An Egg is a symbol of transformation

A hen lays several eggs. But only a few hatch and transform into chicken. Similarly, a number of members join toastmasters. However, only a few are determined and passionate to get transformed into great leaders and communicators. Our mentors help mentees to discover the real leader in them. Discover the leader in you, is the Theme of the Day.
If you carefully observe the newly born chicks, they go around in groups. They love to be with other chicken. That is because, they are all GREGARIOUS – that is the word of the day.
2.      Explain the flow of meeting and the 3 segments (Prepared speeches, Table Topics and Evaluation) for guests.

Every toastmasters meeting has 3 segments.

The first segment is called prepared speeches segment. In Toastmasters, speakers are given time to come prepared with a speech and deliver it in the club as part of the Prepared Speeches segment. The prepared speeches section in Toastmasters meetings is the incubation house for members to practice their presentation skills.

The second segment is called Table Topics segment. In this segment, we help fellow toastmasters to handle impromptu speaking situations .. which normally comes with extreme Temperature & Tension. Like an egg that becomes stronger when put in a boiling water, our fellow TMs become stronger by participating in Table Topics Session.

When an egg is broken from outside force life ends, when an egg is broken from force inside life begins. Evaluation is that segment in Toastmasters that helps members to break that shell from within, to bring a new life into this world.
In order to walk us through the evaluations segment, we have a team headed by our General Egg Braker... I mean General Evaluator..
3.      Introduce the General Evaluator (based on the meeting theme) and ask the General Evaluator to introduce his/her team:

1) Works as Software Development Engineer at Amazon Inc.
2) His hobbies include Toastmasters, Table Tennis, and Office Work
3) The leader that he admires is Jeff Pesos, the CEO of Amazon for his leadership

Please join me in welcoming the General Evaluator for today Prasanna Venkat

4.      Regain control from General Evaluator. 
5.      Inform the audience that you are starting the prepared speeches segment.
6.      Prepared Speeches
Speaker #1
Suresh Natarajan
Project Details
Manual:  Competent Communicator
Project #: 1
Project Title: Ice Breaker
Speech Title: Yes, “I can Do”
Introduction of the speaker (based on the meeting theme)
1)      Works as Program Manager at Coromandel Infotech

2)      Reading books - Product management, Playing Cricket & Tennis

3)      He admires Mahatma Gandhi for his Simplicity and Determination

Before I call Suresh Natarajan to the stage, may I request the evaluator of the speech TM Bharath Raja to read the project objectives?
Speaker #2
Sabareeswar Balakrishnan
Project Details
Manual: Competent Communicator
Project #: 3
Project Title: Get to the Point
Speech Title: Euphemisms
Introduction of the speaker (based on the meeting theme)
1)      Calls himself a NERD … Works as Tech Lead at HCL Technologies

2)      Listening to music, when tired of browsing Internet

3)      Greg Ferro (co-host of packetpushers.net) demonstrating his leadership by giving a new dimension to technical podcasting.

Before I call Sabareeswar Balakrishnan to the stage, may I request the evaluator of the speech TM Harish Kataria to read the project objectives?
Speaker #3
Project Details
Manual: Competent Communicator
Project #: 9
Project Title: Persuade with Power
Speech Title: Dil Jumping Japang Jampak Jampak
Introduction of the speaker (based on the meeting theme)
1)      Works as Sales Manager? at e-Con Systems Pvt Ltd

2)      Hobbies include Drawing, Painting and making creative home decors

3)      Leader that she admires is Abdul Kalam for his Simplicity, Sincerity, and Dedication

Before I call Yamini to the stage, may I request the evaluator of the speech TM Ramesh Daswani to read the project objectives?

Speaker #4
Harini Srinivasan
Project Details
Manual: High Performance Leadership
Project #:
Project Title:
Speech Title:
Introduction of the speaker (based on the meeting theme)
1)  Take a Wild Guess

2) Making earrings, reading books and falling down

3) Every single person who has concern for a fellow living being. The one who respects queues, the one who stops the car for a tiny puppy to cross the road or the one who rushes to help someone in an accident or adversity

Before I call Harini Srinivasan to the stage, may I request the evaluator of the speech TM Deepa Bharatkumar to read the project objectives?
7.      Ask the timer if any of the speakers are disqualified due to time. Ask the audience to vote for the Best Prepared Speaker.

8.      Introduce the Table Topics Master (based on the theme of the meeting):

1) Works as a Manager at HSBC
2) Hobbies include Reading, Watching movies Favorite movie – Mask (Jim Cary)
3) Leader that he admires is Mahatma Gandhi – for non-violence and the way in which he was able to motivate the whole world for a common cause

Please join me in welcoming the Table Topics Master for today Rajesh Upadhay

9.      Signal the Table Topics Master to end the session when the time limit is reached / exceeded.
10.  Regain control from Table Topics Master.
11.  Ask the timer if any of the speakers are disqualified due to time.  Announce eligibility. Ask the audience to vote for the Best Table Topics Speaker
12.  Invite the General Evaluator to conduct the evaluations segment
13.  Regain control from General Evaluator.
14.  Final remarks (try to end with a BANG). Not exceeding 1 minute.
We joined Toastmasters to transform
By taking a variety of roles and perform.
Though heavy lunch acts like chloroform
We fight it hard like men in uniform
With every performance we reform,
Because we always go above the norm !

15.  Return control to President ___________________________

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